Options Chain Analysis
The Option Chain pages offers a 3-D analysis comparing expiration dates by selected criteria.
Click on “Chain Analysis” to display the graph.
Use the drop-down boxes to view the tables by Implied Volatility, Volume, Open Interest, Price, Extrinsic Value, Delta or Intrinsic Value.
Toggle the view by using the clickable legend to select the Expiration Dates to view.

Other Navigation
Icons = Navigation
The Action (Arrow) icon will provide different actions depending on where you are in the platform. For example if you are in the Market or Find tab, ‘Detail‘ will provide a Quote Popup. ‘Research‘ will take you to the Dashboard – overview – of the stock. ‘Options‘ will take you to that part of the platform etc.
When in a “Trade Finder Scan” (identified by the icon), the Action icon choices includes: ‘Analyze Position’ which will take you to the Options tables and/or ‘Trade’ which will lead you to the Order Ticket of the Brokerage Account from the menu.
The Action Icon is also found in the Journal. Under the “Positions” tab, clicking on the icon allows you to Expand/Collapse details of the trade, Analyze or Close the trade among other choices.