Multiple Position Analysis
We often have more than one position on a particular Stock/ETF, so how can each position, or leg be evaluated?
Position Notifications
When you Enable and Activate Account Notifications, you’ll receive emails on upcoming activity that may affect your existing positions.
- Upcoming Earnings – Monday Morning via Email
- Upcoming Dividends – Monday Morning via Email
- Option Position Expiring – Two days prior via Email
To begin, locate and click on the Envelope Icon at the top of the platform page, next to your Username:
Follow the steps as outlined and illustrated:
- Click on Notification Settings
- Add your email (Optional: Add 2nd email)
- Check/uncheck Categories
- Click “Save”
The settings can be updated at anytime by following the above steps.
For each account you want to receive notifications on, toggle the switch located on the Account Summary tab to the “On” position as shown in the graphic.
**Without this step, you won’t receive the notifications.**
Expiration Notifications will be emailed 2 days in advance.
Each Monday, prior to Market Open, an email will be sent where there’s an Earnings or Dividend for any of the positions in the account(s) you have activated.
The Notification Center will list what has been emailed to you for each account you have activated.
The Account Name and associated Color Tag will be displayed on each Notification and allows for quick identification.
Platform Features Release: October 2022
Announcing the latest Release of feature and functionality enhancements to the trading platform. These features and enhancements help keep users informed with activity on their trades. Functionality has been added to review a Watchlist in the Research tab, while being able to see at a glance which symbols have a price increase or decrease.
Notifications – Receive emails on upcoming Earnings, Dividends or Expiring Positions
Watchlist Research Functionality – Access and view your Watch Lists in the Research Tab via a drop-down box
Price Action Arrows on Symbols in Research Tab – Instantly see latest price action while on the Research Tab
Trade Position Notifications – Premium Feature
Want to receive weekly emails of Expiring Positions, Upcoming Earnings and/or Dividends on existing trades you have in your accounts?
This Premium Feature allows you to do just that in a 2-part process:
First: Click on the the Envelope Icon at the top of the platform screen:
Go to “Notification Settings.”
Provide your email address(es).
Select Notifications you want to receive.
Click “Save”.
Next: On your Portfolio Accounts, go to the Account Summary Page and Toggle the switch to the On position.
Repeat this process for each Account you want emailed Notifications.
Expiration Notifications will be emailed 2 days in advance.
Each Monday, prior to Market Open, an email will be sent where there’s an Earnings or Dividend for any of the positions in the account(s) you have activated.
The Notification Center will list what has been emailed to you for each account you have activated.
The Account Name and associated Color Tag will be displayed on each Notification and allows for quick identification.
Each Monday, prior to Market Open, an email will be sent where there’s Earnings or Dividend for any of the positions in the account(s) you have activated.
The Notification Center will list what has been emailed to you for each account you have activated.
The Account Name and associated Color Tag will be displayed on each Notification and allows for quick identification.
Research Watchlist Functionality
Users are able to access all Watchlists from the Research Tab.
Click the to access the dropdown list as shown in the graphic.
Lists with more than 20 symbols will have a scroll bar allowing for easier research of larger lists.
All other functionality remains the same: Symbols can be moved to other lists, have alerts set, deleted, add Journal notes
When a symbol is entered in the Symbol Search Box on the Research Tab, the symbol will automatically be displayed on the default “Recents” list.
In addition, when a symbol or group of symbols is sent to Research from anywhere else on the platform, it will appear on a list under the default “Recents” list.
Examples of when the “Recents” list will be displayed:
- Sending a symbol/symbols from a list on a Watch Tab.
- Selecting a group of symbols from a Scan or Screener list.
- Clicking on the Technical Icon from any symbol when not in the Research Tab. will be displayed under “Recents”.
The functionality of adding a note, an alert or sending a symbol to a specific list remains the same.
Green and Red Arrows have been added to each symbol tab when in Research.
This applies to any selected Watchlist or the default “Recents” list.
Each time one symbol is clicked, the entire list will update the latest price update.
Change Log
- Upper Indicator responsiveness corrected
- Profitability info loads correctly on Fundamental Tab
- Completed Bear Put description on Strategy Template
- Corrected display data on Fundamental Tab
Export Reports (Desktop)
Clicking on located on the upper left corner of the Positions and Gains tabs allows you to export that information as a .csv file.
The Journal give you the ability to export reports in a PDF file on your desktop platform. But that’s just the beginning.
You can export from the Transaction or Reconciliation view filtered by Account, Symbol, Tags, Notes and/or Date Range.
Life of Trade View also allows you to filter by Order Status in addition to the above criteria for even more focused report. Only want to print Closed Trades? Want to see how many trades are Unmatched? Select those filters.
The top of your Journal report displays the Tag Summary based upon the account(s) and filtering criteria selected.
The trade detail report displays the status, Open, Close, Expire with a color code of the trade: Blue=Open, Green=Profit, Red=Loss, Yellow=Unmatched.
Expand Trade Detail - Positions Tab
There are 3 ways to expand multi-leg trades in the Positions Tab.
Smart Icon – Click on the icon to the left of the stock symbol, select ‘Expand/Collapse’. Repeat to close.
Expand All – Click the button above the trade entries if you wish to expand all multi-leg trades. Once clicked, the button will change to Collapse All.
Double-Click – if you want to expand one trade or specific trades, simply ‘double-click’ on an open space of the trade entry line. Repeat to close.
Position Download Ability
Downloading/exporting capability added to the Positions tab.
This feature is also available in the “Gains” tab.
This allows even greater flexibility with record-keeping from the Journal/Brokerage Account.
I own the stock, how to I enter a Covered Call trade?
When you already own the stock, but want to enter a Covered Call position, follow the following steps:
1. From the Positions Tab, click “Close”
2. Add Call Leg (you’ll adjust this later) & Delete Sell Stock entry line:
3. Change Action to Sell CC. Make any other adjustments to this Order Ticket, click “Review” to check for accuracy, then “Submit“.
4. After the Order executes, it will show up in the Positions Tab as follows:
Account Differences Explained
When you set up your Live Account with TD Ameritrade, Choice Trade or other Brokerage you may notice account value differences on the Positions summary tab.
The Trade Tool Positions Account Values are tied to the Bid price (if you own a stock or option) and Ask price (if you are short a stock or option). Were you to close the position, you would receive the corresponding price – or better, since you are able to try to get a better price than Bid/Ask. This method ensures you will get at least the listed value – or better.
Choice Trade Accounts can be set up to have the price shown in the Positions Summary tied to the Bid/Ask or the default, “Last Trade Price“. Last Trade Price differs from Bid/Ask in that it shows the most recent transaction price, but does not always reflect the price you will receive if you were to buy or sell the security.
TD Ameritrade ties trade values to Mark – the point between Bid and Ask. Some trades will be closed at this price, but not all. Mark does not take into account if you own or are short a position, it is simply the halfway point between the two.