Watch - The Next Step
The Outlook.
You’ve checked the overall markets, found some stocks with matching outlook. Now to keep track of them. This platform allows you to create customized Watchlists – always with the ability to manage them by adding to transferring between or deleting from any list.
View them by a List or Tile View. Both options give you navigational tools to further research such as action arrows and The Score icons.
Tile View offers 1 Day, 1 Month, 3 Month and 6 Month periodicies.
List View allows you to sort stocks by symbol, most recent price, Change, % Change, etc.
Both Tile and List View a ‘bird’s eye view’ of the stock, can be moved to the Reseach Tab, added, transferred or deleted from a Watchlist.
“Personal Watchlists” – create your own lists tailored to your strategies and current market conditions.
Default lists such as “Large Cap”, “Main” and “ETFs” are already included.
“Active Watchlists“- lists stocks most active, gainers/losers and those at their 52 week high/low.
“Dynamic Watchlists“- are system generated and maintained lists.
“Virtual Watchlists” – automatically populates with the stocks trading in your virtual account.
List or Tile View
View any list in traditional List View or Tile View —both show The Score.
Tile View shows thumbnail charts of the entire list. These can be viewed in a variety of periodicies. Volume is included in the 1, 3 & 6 month views to assist with quick analysis. Horizontal Reference Lines show where the Low Price and 90% of the High Price points the stock had for the selected time period.
The Score icons are also navigation shortcuts which will take you directly to Charts, Inner Circle, Valuation or Fundamentals.
Clicking on the Action Icon next to the Stock symbol in either the List or Tile View will bring up a menu offering additional choices for that Stock.

Create Watchlists
The Market & Watch Tab Icon ToolBar allows you to Create/Modify/Manage your Lists.
Hover your cursor over the icon to view it’s ‘task’:
Select Candidates
Send to Research
Add/Delete a List
Modify an existing List
Send candidates from one List to another
Remove candidates from existing List
Change View: List or Tile
To Create a New Watchlist:
1. Under ‘Create Watchlist’, enter symbols – separating eachwith a comma or (space)
2. Enter the name of New Watchlist
3. Click “Create”
Other ways to Create Lists include:
From the Find Tab>Scans and Find Tab>Calendar.
Selecting candidates from Scans (Ex: Bullish Ascending Triangle ) or Calendar for an Earnings or Dividend date to get the list of stocks that fit your selected criteria, click the “Check” icon to the stock symbols you want to keep, then click the Folder + icon to , name your new Watch List then click “OK”.
You can also copy/paste up to 100 symbols from an outside source to a newly created (or existing list) provided the following apply:
The symbols are separated by:
Or by a Comma: TSLA,ZM,GOOG,NFLX
Or a Return:
Tile View Sizes
Tile View is available in 3 sizes on the Market or Watch Tabs.
Scans and Earnings/Dividends Calendar under the Find tab offer 4 Tile View sizes: Extra Small to Large.
The platform’s adaptive and responsive technology will automatically adjust the number of tiles shown based upon the available space as well as allow continual scrolling for large lists.

Sending from One “List” to Another
You can send symbols from any list, including Find, Explore, Actives, to your Watch lists — including from one watch list to another.
Simply (1) click the “Check” icon, (2) select the symbol(s), (3) click the “Page/Arrow” icon and select the List you want the selections sent to.
You can also ‘Click & Drag’ – highlighting a group of symbols you want moved to another list, or to the Research Tab.
Note: Research can handle up to 20 stock symbols at a time.
The Other Lists
In addition to your Personal and Dynamic Watch lists, the platform also provides “Actives Watch lists” from which you can add results to a new or existing Watch list.
If you want to eliminate low price, low volume stocks, click on the appropriate header to sort, then you can either click/drag to highlight the ones you want to delete – or – click the Check icon from the navigational icons to select the ones to delete – or to send to Research or another Watch List.
Manage/Modify Watchlists
The Modify feature offers the following Symbol and List Management capabilities in one location:
- Rename the current Watchlist
- Add Symbols to the current Watchlist
- Use up/down arrows to drag/rearrange symbols in selected List
- Remove symbol(s) by clicking on ‘X’
- Highlight symbol(s) to add to another Existing Watchlist
- Highlight symbol(s) to Create a New Watchlist
Bonus! You can keep your Watchlist sorted by any heading using this feature:
Select your Watchlist
Sort by any Heading (Example: Price – High to Low)
Click on the Manage Icon, then click “Done” at the top of the screen
This setting will be ‘sticky’ until you change it.
Heat Maps Too
The Heat Maps on the Market page offer the ability to drill down to the stock level. You are able to do this with both the Map and Spectrum views. Clicking on a stock will also show the quote detail. From this you can also send to a list or research.