Position Indication on the Chain
When evaluating an existing position on the options chain, the positions held are indicated with arrows on the chain. The arrows point to the quantity entry box of the held position.
Green arrows indicate Long or Buy positions.
Red arrows indicate Short or Sell positions.

Industry Performance Bar Chart
The Bar Chart is located on the Market Tab and updates dynamically with selected Heat Map Index and Time Frame. This provides an additional view of the overall Market by Industry. Below is a 3 month Heat Map/Bar Chart view of the S&P 500. The bottom Bar Chart shows a 6 month view.
Each Industry is represented by a unique color and are listed by Market Cap – largest on top to the smallest at the bottom. Hover your cursor over each bar for the Industry name and % change of the selected time period to appear.
The center of the Chart is Neutral and will appear blank just prior to the Market’s Opening Bell. Bars extending right of center represents Gains, left of center represents a Loss for the time period selected on the Heat Map.
Journal Navigation
It’s easy to look up trades. Choose from Stock symbols, tags used (ex: #bullCall, #longStraddle), Notes containing certain words or phrases, or date ranges from 1 Day to 1 Year.
On the individual Trade tabs, click the icon to expand the trade detail. To edit/add tags, notes, to the trade entry, click
then ‘save’ when completed.
Once the Trade Tab is expanding , you have additional options: The “Replay” icon, , sends a trade from the Journal to Backtest Analysis. You can delete a Journal Entry by clicking on
Virtual Account Overview
Virtual Trading gives you the real trading experience without risking any money. It is a valuable “next step” learning tool – designed to mimic the trading experience as closely as possible.
You’ll start with a $100,000 account. Virtual, of course.
Trades are executed during Market hours – 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Eastern Time, however there is a 15 minute delay after Market open for orders to begin executing.
As with Live Accounts, there are limits on trades if there is not sufficient Buying Power in your Virtual Account. There can be expensive Spread/Margin Requirements to adhere to.
Virtual Accounts do have limitations that Live Accounts do not have:
Virtual Accounts are not subject or responsive to Corporate actions such as buyouts, name or symbol changes, stock/option splits and strike price adjustments to name some examples.
Virtual Accounts are “Auto-Journaled”. This automatically keeps record of all trades for later analysis and reconciling.
These practice accounts are identified by a yellow bar on the left side of the account window.
Virtual Accounts are powered by Choice Trade to provide the real trading experience.
Color Tag Trading Accounts
Select a unique color for each trading account on the Account Summary tab. Each trade in that account will display that color on the Journal trade tab entry.
Now it’s easier than ever to identify trades at a a glance.

Snapshot: Comparing Positions
The Snapshot feature gives you the ability to compare up to three scenarios in one view without having to change screens or erase previous setups. You can even submit a trade from this part of the platform!
- From the Calls+Puts chain (as well as “Calls” or “Puts”) enter the initial trade position.
- Next click one of the camera icons:
- Repeat the first step using the Rolling Icons to adjust the initial position to a new scenario:
- Click the 2nd camera icon & repeat the above steps for the last trade comparison.
Note: The position lines are color coded to match the Snapshot (or New) icon.
Once you decide on the optimal position, click ‘Trade’ from the P&L Graph and you’ll be taken to the Order Ticket of your brokerage account with the option information auto-filled.
Order Types - How to Enter
Market Order are Buy or Sell orders to be executed immediately at current the Market Price. Execution of the trade is more important than price. As long as there is a willing buyer or seller, the trade will be executed.
Limit Orders (including Net Debit and Net Credit) allow you to set the Maximum Price to Buy or Minimum Price to Sell a security . Because these orders have ‘limits’ they may not be executed. When they are, they will be executed at the Limit Price – or better.
Low Volume, a slow or very fast market may mean your Limit Price may not be reached and thus, your order not executed.

Stop & Stop Limit Orders
These are protective orders, to be placed on a current position.
A Stop Order becomes a Market Order when the Stop Price is reached. This does not mean you will get the Stop Price when the Order executes. You are willing to Buy/Sell at any price once your Price is reached to have the Order execute.
A Stop Limit Order generally offers more protection: Once the Stop Price is reached, the order converts to a Limit Order to execute once that price – or better- is reached. Thus, there are two values to enter on the Order Ticket for Stop Limit Orders.
How to enter a Stop Order/Stop Limit Order:
On the Positions tab, click “Close” for the Stock/ETF entry you want to add a Stop/Stop Limit Order to. You’ll be navigated to the Order Ticket tab to continue.
On the right side of the Order Ticket (Exit Order):
1. Change Exit Condition from default “Limit” to “Stop” or “Stop Limit“
2. Enter Stop Price. For Stop Limit Orders, the Stop Price will be the higher of the two values.
Enter Limit Price, if applicable.
3. Change Duration from Day (default) to GTC (which may vary by brokerage)
4. Review & Submit
Notes: As long as it’s not a Day order, the Stop/Stop Limit order will remain Live until you cancel the order or it executes*. (Some brokerages have expiration dates on such orders)
Trailing % and Trailing $
As the names suggest, these orders follow trades upward by a set $ or %. They are placed on a current position. Click “Close” from the Positions Tab, then follow the steps below:
1. Change Exit Condition to “Trailing % (or $)“
2. Enter price or percentage to exit trade
3. Select Duration (Day/GTC)
4. Review, then Submit
This will be a Live Order until it Executes, Expires or is Cancelled.
Bracket Order – One Cancels the Other (OCO)
- Opening Order OR the existing Position to Close
- Select “Bracket (OCO)”
- If the trade is favorable, the Limit Price will trigger to close and secure profit.
- If the trade is unfavorable, this Stop (or Stop Limit) Order can limit your loss
- Duration: “Day” or “Good Til Canceled”
- Summary of the Bracket-OCO Order
- Review for accuracy, then Submit on the next screen

Positions Tab
The Positions Tab offers 4 table views of your current trades. You can access these by clicking on the drop-down box in the upper right of the screen. “All” combines the 4 views.
Total Gains
This table view displays the Overall $ and % Gain/Loss and the Daily $ and % Gain/Loss based on the previous trading day’s results.
Share Performance
This table breaks down Total Gains by showing Entry Cost compared to Current Value per Share.
Total Performance
Similar to Share Performance, but shows Total Entry Cost and Total Current Value.
Access Trading Account Information
No need to login to Brokerage Account site for normal day-to-day activity.
Each account includes a Summary page showing the Account Balance, Margin Balance, Stock, Option & Day Trading Buying Power and tracks the current trading day’s activity.
Besides the Order Ticket, the Order Status, Current Positions & Transaction History are all available. You can view previous order history in the Order Status tab by clicking on the drop-down menu on the upper-right corner of that screen.
You can access any account and switch accounts with a single click. You can even change the account from the order ticket.
The newest feature, Journal provides the means of organizing, noting, analyzing & reconciling trades.
Advanced Indicators
We offer select Advanced Upper and Lower Indicators that are not just derived from the price, including proprietary indicators like “Invest4Score” and “Insider Score”. They are accessible by using the “Add Indicator” drop-down box.
Upper Indicators include:
- Event Flags – showing Earnings and Dividends
- Journal Display
- Support/Resistance
- Extrema Trend Lines
Lower Indicators include:
- Historic Volatility/Implied Volatility
- Insider Score
- Institutional Percentage
- Invest4 Score
- Momentum Score
- Open Interest
- Options Volume
- Put Call Ratios