Quote Detail without leaving the List
A quick snapshot of a stock with navigational tools.
The Action Arrow Icon will provide a pop-up Quote Detail window including the current price, trading volume, Dividend Date -if applicable, Earnings Date and more. A chart, on the bottom part of the Detail Box, allows for difference periodices: 1 Day, 1,3 or 6 Months.
Notice the additional icons in the Quote Detail: You can send this stock to one of your Watch Lists, to Research or delete the stock if you wish. The Score Icons will direct you to the appropriate Research function. Buy/Sell buttons allow for quick order placing.
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From finding the best stock in the best sector to following where the money is flowing to and from, Heat Maps (and Spectrum, too!) offer insight both interesting and valuable.
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Other Navigation
Icons = Navigation
The Action (Arrow) icon will provide different actions depending on where you are in the platform. For example if you are in the Market or Find tab, ‘Detail‘ will provide a Quote Popup. ‘Research‘ will take you to the Dashboard – overview – of the stock. ‘Options‘ will take you to that part of the platform etc.
When in a “Trade Finder Scan” (identified by the icon), the Action icon choices includes: ‘Analyze Position’ which will take you to the Options tables and/or ‘Trade’ which will lead you to the Order Ticket of the Brokerage Account from the menu.
The Action Icon is also found in the Journal. Under the “Positions” tab, clicking on the icon allows you to Expand/Collapse details of the trade, Analyze or Close the trade among other choices.