Platform Features Release: December 2022
Announcing the latest Release which added a powerful Lower Indicator on the Charts Tab: 52 Week Hi/Lo. Price/Date info has been added to X/Y axis
52-Week Hi/Low Indicator
The newest lower indicator: 52-week Hi/Low Indicator is a Broad Market Indicator. It is not Stock specific.
View how individual Stocks/ETFs are faring compared to the Broad Market.
Select from NYSE, NASD or AmEx
There are two views:
Show Difference Only – Display either a green or red (or no) bar representing the net advancers/decliners for that period.
Show High & Low (uncheck box)– Displays both green/red bars to illustrate number with new 52 week high/lows.
The background color identifies a bullish or bearish trend, based upon the number of days selected (Trend Period)
Example: If 3 days are selected, background highlight will begin on the 4th consecutive day of gains (or losses).

X/Y axis – Price/Date display

The cursor’s crosshairs will display the Price/Date info along the X/Y axis for easier reading.
This information will still appear in the upper/right corner above the chart:
Drawing Key Activation
Use your keypad to activate drawing lines on the Chart by following these steps:
1. Click either in Header area above the chart – OR –
Click the Annotation icon>Line
2. Click on chart, then “Alt” and “T” keys where you want to start line.
Once activated from either of the starting points (1), the function works on the current chart, without having to reactivate by clicking on the Header or Annotation icon.

Platform Features Release: November 2022
Announcing the latest Release allowing for customized Watchlist views. Improvements in Journal functionality will increase responsiveness and allow users to better control the data displayed. Format enhancements were also made to increase readability
Watchlist Views – Create, Save & Edit
The ability to create your own Watchlist views based on criteria important to you enhances the work flow of finding the best candidates for trading.

Click on next to the (Default) Watchlist, then select “Add New” to get started.
Build your own views from over 160 data points, then adjust the display position in the order you want them to appear.
Click on icon to edit a view you previously created.
Learn more by clicking below:
The Journal default displays Order/Trade activity from the Activated Trade Account.
To switch or add accounts, simply click on the other Account tabs or select by group: Real, Virtual, Manual or All accounts.
The improved functionality allows for faster journal activity display and easier trade analysis.

Change Log
- Resolved Score Icon Navigation from Home/Market Tab
- Corrected Fundamental/Dividend missing data
- Moving Average indicator functionality restored on Custom Page
- Corrected display data on Fundamental Tab
- Addressed candlestick not appearing first 20 minutes on Mondays.
- Rectified downloading data from Screener
Advanced Analytics
Some strategies are more responsive to time decay and/or volatility than others. This platform has tools to help analyze these components.
- Construct the position in the Option Chain table
- Select the ‘Go Big’ icon on the P&L Graph
- The Graph shows 3 data points: Current Day, Halfway point to Expiration Day & Expiration Day. The corresponding legend, immediately below the graph, follows the cursor slider along the graph.
- The bottom of the screen contains a Calendar (Time) & Volatility Scale. Both can be manipulated to analyze the position.
Time: You can select a date to analyze as well as user stepper buttons to move day by day backward or forward.
Volatility: Use the volatility slider or enter a value in the entry box to see the impact of changes in volatility. The slider bar also displays the current (circle), average (gray), and 1 year high / low of implied volatility (orange portion of the slider) for easy reference.

Backtesting Trade Finder scans
You can ‘look back’ (Backtest) Trade Finder Scans by following these steps:
- Select your Scan (example: Bull Put – Stock above 200 SMA).
- Click on the Calendar at the top of the screen to select a previous date (clicking on the month allows you to select a previous month, or arrow back to a previous year).
- Select stock symbol, click on action icon to ‘Analyze Position’.
- The trade template will populate with the specific scan, note the date on the screen is the ‘start date’
- Select the Analyze Date, or click ‘EXP’ to analyze the position on Expiration Day.