Platform Feature Release: Screener
Feature Release Notes: Screener
Announcing the latest feature/function updates, additions or edits to the trading platform:
Screener – Trading styles are unique. Screener, the platform’s newest feature allows for customized opportunity searches. Differing from Scans, which are predefined, Screener offers over 120 data points for customize searches based on what the user’s goals are. Additional data points will be forthcoming.
Screener searches may be saved and named for the user’s future use. In addition, System Screeners are available as starting point templates for the user to customize and save as personal Screeners.

Located under the Find Tab, the Advanced Screener is designed to allow the user to customize their own trade candidate searches. Over 125 criteria selections are available – with more to follow.
Screener is flexible – allowing you to create save as many Screen searches as you wish, edit as needed, even download results.
Screens are user-defined, 100% customized by the user’s specifications. They can be edited, saved and deleted.
Left Control Panel
New – Create a new screener
Saved – Previously created and saved screens. Saved screens can be edited for a single-use or saved as a new screen or overwriting the previously saved screen
System – Templates available for use as starting points for new screeners. While the System screens themselves cannot be modified, they can be used as a foundation for newly created screens that – can be modified for personal use and saved.
Select your Criteria
There are 3 Levels of Data. Currently Level 3 mirrors Level 2 – as more criteria will be added to this feature.
Level 1 offers Basic Information to select from. Level 2 expands upon what Level 1 offers.
After choosing your criteria, you’ll be able to set the parameters for each criteria selection on the next screen.
Click “Run Search”
Note: The order the criteria is selected, will be the order the selections are displayed on the next screen.

The Results
The criteria selected in this example were Price ($50-200), Optionable, Score (Green or Yellow for each Icon) and 10-day Average Volume (5M-293M) resulting in 17 candidates.
From here, using the Icon Toolbar, candidates can be selected and:
- Sent to Research for further analysis
- Sent to an existing Watch List
- Used to create a New list
- Can be download to a .csv file.
The Screen itself can be Saved (and named), further modified -either by
adjusting the existing criteria or adding new datapoints – or a New Screen
can be created.
Additional data is accessible by clicking on “Company”, “Technical”, etc
above the list of candidates.

System Screens are also available and new ones will be added.
The user can customize such screens and save to the platform just as any other
Candidates can be sent to Research, to a Watch List and/or
downloaded to a .csv file.
System Screens themselves cannot be modified and are designed to be
‘launching points’ for the user’s convenience if they wish to use them.
Note the colored bar graph of IV Range. It provides a ‘picture’ of where this
Stock/ETF is now for this datapoint.
Change Log
- TTM Squeeze Indicator added
- Option Chain column line up
- Double scroll bars appearing in Safari/Screener
- Split notification on Chart added
- Staged Order behavior -data loading resolved
- Trade Button appearance on Chart from Staged
- Industry Link responsive
- Mobile – corrected Stage Button function on Stock Order Ticket
- Mobile – updated “Save” Alert functionality
- Mobile – adding Indicator (Android) corrected
- Earnings < 7 days are noted in red
Screener (Premium Desktop Feature)

Located under the Find Tab, the Advanced Screener is designed to allow the user to customize their own trade candidate searches. Several hundred data points are available to select from, build your Screen, Save for future use and Edit as needed.
Screener is flexible – allowing you to create save as many Screen searches as you wish, edit as needed, even download results.
Screens are user-defined, and 100% customized to the user’s specifications. They can be edited, saved, and deleted.
Left Control Panel
New – Create a new screener
Saved – Previously created and saved screens. Saved screens can be edited for single use, saved as a new screen, or to overwrite the previously saved screen
System – Templates available for use as starting points for new screeners. While the System screens themselves cannot be modified, they can be used as a foundation for newly created screens that can be modified for personal use and saved.
Select your criteria
There are 3 Levels of Data.
Level 1 offers Basic Information to select from. Level 2 expands upon what Level 1 offers. Level 3 offers all available, in-depth selections.
After choosing your criteria, you’ll be able to set the parameters for each criteria selection on the next screen.
Click “Run Search”
Note: The order the criteria are selected, will be the order the selections are displayed on the next screen.

The Results
The criteria selected in this example were Price ($50-200), Optionable, Score (Green or Yellow for each Icon), and 10-day Average Volume (5M-293M) resulting in 17 candidates.
From here, using the Icon Toolbar, candidates can be selected and:
- Sent to Research for further analysis
- Sent to an existing Watch List
- Used to create a New list
- Can be downloaded to a .csv file.
The Screen itself can be Saved (and named), or further modified – either by
adjusting the existing criteria or adding new data points – or a New Screen
can be created.
Additional data is accessible by clicking on “Company”, “Technical”, etc
above the list of candidates.

Icon Tool Bar – Hover Cursor over Icon to view function
Select one or more symbols
Send selections to Research
Create a New Watchlist with Selected Candidates
Send Candidate to an Existing Watchlist
Download to .csv file

System Screens are also available and new ones will be added.
The user can customize such screens and save to the platform just as any other
Candidates can be sent to Research, to a Watch List and/or
downloaded to a .csv file.
System Screens themselves cannot be modified and are designed to be
‘launching points’ for the user’s convenience if they wish to use them.
Note the colored bar graph of IV Range. It provides a ‘picture’ of where this
Stock/ETF is now for this datapoint.
Edit Screeners
Edit current, Saved or System Screeners by adjusting parameters of existing criteria using the slide bars, entering values in boxes, etc.
A Screener Update notice will appear prompting you to select “Run Search” after adjustments are completed. Updated results will populate the left table.
From here, use the Icon Toolbar for further options: Select, Add to Watchlist, Research or Download.

Toggle Criteria
The Toggle feature gives you additional flexibility in your Screener searches.
The ON position includes the selected criteria in calculating results.
The OFF position for that criteria will not affect the results when used to filter results. However, that data column will still be displayed with the other points selected.

Intraday Trade Finder Scan Updates (Premium Desktop Feature)

Trade Finder Scans are updated every 30 minutes during Market Hours on the Premium Platform. That’s 12 more times than the Standard Platform version, which updates once after the Market opens.
Trade Finder Scans are easily identified with a Rocket Icon in the upper left corner of the Scan box.
Scans - Find Opportunities - Overview
Stagnant? Uncertain? Bearish or Bullish? Short or long term? No problem!
This “Find” category is where to find opportunities based on current Market activity and outlook, or select opportunities based on events, such as Earnings or Dividend announcements.
Whether looking for opportunities based on The Score, Events, Chart Patterns, Bullish, Bearish, Stagnant or Unknown outlook, a scan will help you find potential trade opportunities.
You can drill-down for scans by Category, Sub-Categories, then Group.
Example: Strategy>Time Spreads>Call Calendar Spreads. You can use the drop-down box, above the Category boxes to search for the scan you want or type in the box a generality about the scan. Examples: “Earning”, “Bull”, “Bearish”. “Score”, “Red”, “Green” will yield scans with that particular name in the scan
Overview of Scans
Want some ideas to take advantage of market conditions? This is the place to find Stock and Option opportunities based on bullish, bearish and stagnant outlook.
Choose from dozens of scans based on events or components of “The Score”: Fundamentals, Valuation, Technical & Inner Circle.
Ideas and Features offer even more opportunities.
The [i] icon provides a short explanation of the strategy.
Best of all, you are able to keep your favorites all in one place by ‘starring’ it for future use.
Create Watchlists
The Market & Watch Tab Icon ToolBar allows you to Create/Modify/Manage your Lists.
Hover your cursor over the icon to view it’s ‘task’:
Select Candidates
Send to Research
Add/Delete a List
Modify an existing List
Send candidates from one List to another
Remove candidates from existing List
Change View: List or Tile
To Create a New Watchlist:
1. Under ‘Create Watchlist’, enter symbols – separating eachwith a comma or (space)
2. Enter the name of New Watchlist
3. Click “Create”
Other ways to Create Lists include:
From the Find Tab>Scans and Find Tab>Calendar.
Selecting candidates from Scans (Ex: Bullish Ascending Triangle ) or Calendar for an Earnings or Dividend date to get the list of stocks that fit your selected criteria, click the “Check” icon to the stock symbols you want to keep, then click the Folder + icon to , name your new Watch List then click “OK”.
You can also copy/paste up to 100 symbols from an outside source to a newly created (or existing list) provided the following apply:
The symbols are separated by:
Or by a Comma: TSLA,ZM,GOOG,NFLX
Or a Return:
The Top 4 Categories
The names may be different, but the scans remain the same! 
Feature – Your favorite and our highlighted scans, including scans related to The Score.
Ideas – Scans for general ideas including Dividends, Money Flow, Volatility, Earnings and more.
Outlook – For Bearish, Bullish and Stagnant outlook conditions.
Strategy – Over 20 strategy-specific scans including Bull Put, Bear Call, Iron Condor and more.
Tile View Sizes
Tile View is available in 3 sizes on the Market or Watch Tabs.
Scans and Earnings/Dividends Calendar under the Find tab offer 4 Tile View sizes: Extra Small to Large.
The platform’s adaptive and responsive technology will automatically adjust the number of tiles shown based upon the available space as well as allow continual scrolling for large lists.

Dynamic Scan Information
The scan results provide relevant information for that scan. For example: Dividends will show Yield, Covered Calls will show the options position, potential return, net cost and more.
This allows you to quickly pick stock candidates and bypass others for high-probability trades. For example, you may wish to eliminate stocks priced too high or low, those with low volume, etc. Use the Navigational tools (Action Icon, The Score Icon, Send to Watchlist or Research for example) to dive deeper in selecting the best stock.
Filter Scan Icon
The Filter icon – located in the upper left area of the scan page – allows you to narrow candidates of an initial scan by applying additional parameters.
You can adjust the criteria at any time to further narrow or increase the number of results by eliminating, adding or adjusting entries.
This Smart Search feature filters data unique to the scan. Ex: Covered Calls Filtering offers Net Entry Cost, $ Return with no Movement, $ Return if Called out, etc.
Use drop-down box to select parameters and enter criteria in boxes.
Add rows if needed by clicking on ‘+’
If you need more space, click and drag the arrow in the bottom, right corner.
Click “Find”.
Click ‘Reset’ to start over. The “Query” button displays the criteria at the top of the Filter page. Click again to remove.
Give it a try!