Entering a Position
You can enter a position to analyze by clicking on ‘Ask’ for buying or ‘Bid’ for selling. You can also directly enter the quantity in the entry box. (Note: make sure to indicate a selling position with a minus (-) sign).
For positions that include the underlying stock, such as Covered Calls, Protective Puts & Collars, enter the stock quantity in the upper right corner of the chain window.
You can change the click quantity amount by changing the default-click parameter (found at the top of the Option Table) for 1x, 5x or 10x.
Symbol Journal
This is more than just documenting trades
This Journal has benefits and features that allow you to truly customize a vital part of the trading process. Each trade allows you to: Make Notes, add Tags for organizational purposes as well as Color Tags you customize, Outlook icons further customize each trade entry.
Customizing Indicators
Customize Indicator Settings – even in different Chart Profiles!
Customize the settings by clicking on the “Add Indicator” box at the top, center of the screen. Scroll to the Indicator you wish to add/edit. Left-click on the selection for a customization box to appear.
The Indicator window shows which settings can be changed.
Bonus! You can save different settings for the same indicator in different chart profiles. No need to change settings from one profile to the next.
In addition to the settings, this feature also provides a description of the indicator and the default settings.
Go Big - Graphs & Charts
Anywhere you see the ‘Go Big’ icon , you can expand the graphic and access additional information.
The Chart Tab under Research has such a button in the icon toolbar as shown:
The Heat Map on the Market Tab will allow you to filter criteria such as stock price, volume, market cap, etc.
In the Options Tab, you can do this with the P/L Graph and the Volatility Chart. The icon is located at or near the upper right of the graph or chart.
Expanding the Stock/Volatility Chart allows you to view past Historic Volatility, Intrinsic Volatility and stock price on a day-to-day basis.
For deeper Trade Analysis, use the Volatility Slider tool and the Date Picker, located at the bottom of the P&L Graph:
Trend Lines, Notes & Shapes and Advanced Annotations
Customize your charts with Trend Lines, Notes and Advanced Annotations.
These tool icons are available above the chart, just below the Indicators drop-down box.

The Gear Icon sets/manages the default for these tools, as well as whether to save Trendlines, Notes & Annotations on the chart (recommended).
Each Trendline, Note Entry and Annotation can be individually customized by color and, where applicable, transparency.
Clicking on any Trend Line, Note, or Advanced Annotation, will display the “Annotation Settings” box for that entry.
The Annotation Settings box can be repositioned elsewhere on the platform, if needed.
Line Color, Line Width and if applicable, Background Color and Transparency can be changed.
Be sure to click ‘Save’!

Note: Parallel channels are initially drawn horizontally. To change orientation click on the annotation then grab one of the ‘edit dots’ to drag to the position you wish.
Then click “Save” on the dialog box.
Crossover Arrows
The Crossover Arrows identify the crossover points on indicators.
For upper indicators, you can select 2 indicators and the chart will show the crossover arrow.
Example: If you select the 5 day and 20 day SMA the Green arrows will show the 5/20 crossover points when in an upward movement, Red for downward.
Only 2 moving averages can be selected at a time when utilizing this tool. If you wish to make a change to another moving average indicator, one must first be deselected before adding the new indicator.
User Menu
Take a tour, have a question, change the theme – all from one place.
The User Menu is one of the 6-point Navigation system of this trading platform. You can access The Help Center from here, ask a support question, check your account, suggest a feature idea or provide feedback on the platform, even change the platform ‘theme’ (example “light” or “dark”) and more.
The Legend - Heat and Spectrum Maps
The Legend shows the range of % negative or positive change represented by a color spectrum. It is important to note: the range does adjust according to the data filters you select for the Heat or Spectrum Maps.
Clicking on the legend will show specific range of each color in the spectrum and give additional information about the definition.
Analyze Date
After the position is entered, click on the “Analyze Date” calendar to select the date.
You can click “EXP” to further analyze the trade on the option’s expiration date or use the arrows to move the original analyze date forward or back.
Your Position Analysis will display with estimated gain/loss calculations and the P/L Graph.
The P/L Graph will also display the stock price on the analyze date via the vertical line.
Note: The prices in the options chain will show the start date prices. The prices in the Analysis Panel will reflect the Analyze Date prices.
Once you have selected your date for analysis, you can edit the position, or try a different position, and the analysis will dynamically update.
Profit/Loss Graphs
Any position entered in the Options Chain (Calls+Puts, Calls or Puts) will automatically display a profit/loss risk graph. The P/L Graph shows the Trade Profile Performance from the current day.
You can compare up to three (3) positions on one graph by utilizing the Camera Icons. Once you complete one trade scenario, click the first camera then click ‘New’. Structure your second trade scenario, click on the second camera. To add a third scenario, click new to structure an additional trade. The graphs will overlay.