Set Up Trade & Journal Sharing (Premium Desktop Feature)
Trade and Journal Sharing

Step 1:
Select “Sharing” under the Portfolio Tab to to access these features of sharing trade ideas with peers or trading groups or have access to an Instructor’s Trades or Journal History.
Trade Sharing allows for potential trades to display in “Order Staging” listing the Source of the Order.
Journal Sharing can be used to follow a Trading Group, Instructors, Peer, Public Accounts as well as Newsletters/Trading Room applications.
Step 2: On the left-hand panel, click on “My Shared Accounts”
Shared Accounts are grouped into 4 categories:
- My Shared Accounts – Elect to share Order Staging and/or Journal Sharing
- Accounts I’m Following – Other peers, trading partners, instructors
- Subscription Accounts – Newsletter or Trading Group applications
- Public Shared Accounts – allows access to a Public Directory with performance metrics

Step 3: Set up your User Profile
Click “Edit“
Add a User Display Name
Provide a Bio and/or Information about the account. This is what others will see.
The Formatting option allows you to customize the Bio/Information box.
Click “Save“
Step 4: Set Up Account Profile
1. In the middle panel, click on the Account to be shared
2. On the bottom right panel of the page, click on “Create Sharing Profile“
3. On the pop-up window, add an Account Display Name and Account Description.
Note: Both are required.
You are also able to add #tags to this Account Profile.
4. Click “Save“

Available buttons allow you to Generate New Code and Disable Code.
Account Options
Once Shared, you can “Unshare” account by clicking on button located in the upper right of this box.
Share Journal is checked by default.
Check box for Share Staged Trades if you wish to provide that on the selected account.
A code is automatically generated to Privately Share/Peer-to-peer share
Duration drop-down menu allows you to set how long the code is valid:
Single use only
Until Disabled
Narrow the field to find the highest probability trades.
You’ve narrowed the field by selecting potential candidates matching the outlook and selected strategy, but which of those have the highest probability of success? Research allows you to drill down for information as much or as little as you want.
The Dashboard provides an overview: Quote Detail, The Score, Activity such as News/Earnings/Dividends and information about the Company and a list of other company stock symbols in the same industry. Each component has it’s own tab to provide more detail.
Components of The Score are designed to keep the information available to you, but out of the way when you don’t need it.
The Options Tab offers Strategy templates, option chains, snapshots and definitions of strategies, P/L Graph with Risk/Reward ratio, Analytics and Stock/Volatility charts.
The Activity Tab includes a Beta version of the Journal as well as News and StockTwits ®
Brokerage Access
Trade directly with select Brokers.
The Broker menu is located in the lower left corner of the screen and is always accessible. From here you can see your balance, positions, and orders.
There is also an integrated Order Ticket. This can be accessed directly or from any of the “Buy”, “Sell” or “Trade” buttons or from clicking on the Action Icon menu.

Order Types - How to Enter
Market Order are Buy or Sell orders to be executed immediately at current the Market Price. Execution of the trade is more important than price. As long as there is a willing buyer or seller, the trade will be executed.
Limit Orders (including Net Debit and Net Credit) allow you to set the Maximum Price to Buy or Minimum Price to Sell a security . Because these orders have ‘limits’ they may not be executed. When they are, they will be executed at the Limit Price – or better.
Low Volume, a slow or very fast market may mean your Limit Price may not be reached and thus, your order not executed.

Stop & Stop Limit Orders
These are protective orders, to be placed on a current position.
A Stop Order becomes a Market Order when the Stop Price is reached. This does not mean you will get the Stop Price when the Order executes. You are willing to Buy/Sell at any price once your Price is reached to have the Order execute.
A Stop Limit Order generally offers more protection: Once the Stop Price is reached, the order converts to a Limit Order to execute once that price – or better- is reached. Thus, there are two values to enter on the Order Ticket for Stop Limit Orders.
How to enter a Stop Order/Stop Limit Order:
On the Positions tab, click “Close” for the Stock/ETF entry you want to add a Stop/Stop Limit Order to. You’ll be navigated to the Order Ticket tab to continue.
On the right side of the Order Ticket (Exit Order):
1. Change Exit Condition from default “Limit” to “Stop” or “Stop Limit“
2. Enter Stop Price. For Stop Limit Orders, the Stop Price will be the higher of the two values.
Enter Limit Price, if applicable.
3. Change Duration from Day (default) to GTC (which may vary by brokerage)
4. Review & Submit
Notes: As long as it’s not a Day order, the Stop/Stop Limit order will remain Live until you cancel the order or it executes*. (Some brokerages have expiration dates on such orders)
Trailing % and Trailing $
As the names suggest, these orders follow trades upward by a set $ or %. They are placed on a current position. Click “Close” from the Positions Tab, then follow the steps below:
1. Change Exit Condition to “Trailing % (or $)“
2. Enter price or percentage to exit trade
3. Select Duration (Day/GTC)
4. Review, then Submit
This will be a Live Order until it Executes, Expires or is Cancelled.
Bracket Order – One Cancels the Other (OCO)
- Opening Order OR the existing Position to Close
- Select “Bracket (OCO)”
- If the trade is favorable, the Limit Price will trigger to close and secure profit.
- If the trade is unfavorable, this Stop (or Stop Limit) Order can limit your loss
- Duration: “Day” or “Good Til Canceled”
- Summary of the Bracket-OCO Order
- Review for accuracy, then Submit on the next screen

Access Trading Account Information
No need to login to Brokerage Account site for normal day-to-day activity.
Each account includes a Summary page showing the Account Balance, Margin Balance, Stock, Option & Day Trading Buying Power and tracks the current trading day’s activity.
Besides the Order Ticket, the Order Status, Current Positions & Transaction History are all available. You can view previous order history in the Order Status tab by clicking on the drop-down menu on the upper-right corner of that screen.
You can access any account and switch accounts with a single click. You can even change the account from the order ticket.
The newest feature, Journal provides the means of organizing, noting, analyzing & reconciling trades.
Expand Trade Detail - Positions Tab
There are 3 ways to expand multi-leg trades in the Positions Tab.
Smart Icon – Click on the icon to the left of the stock symbol, select ‘Expand/Collapse’. Repeat to close.
Expand All – Click the button above the trade entries if you wish to expand all multi-leg trades. Once clicked, the button will change to Collapse All.
Double-Click – if you want to expand one trade or specific trades, simply ‘double-click’ on an open space of the trade entry line. Repeat to close.
Entering a Position
You can enter a position to analyze by clicking on ‘Ask’ for buying or ‘Bid’ for selling. You can also directly enter the quantity in the entry box. (Note: make sure to indicate a selling position with a minus (-) sign).
For positions that include the underlying stock, such as Covered Calls, Protective Puts & Collars, enter the stock quantity in the upper right corner of the chain window.
You can change the click quantity amount by changing the default-click parameter (found at the top of the Option Table) for 1x, 5x or 10x.
Journal Tag Analytics
Want to know how effective your trading strategies and practices are? This is where you’ll get your answers
Get visual feedback broken down by strategies and analytical data including a Profit Graph, Average Gross P&L, the frequency of each strategy executed, % Win Ratio, Number of Days in a Trade.
Journal Analytics is a powerful tool to reinforce consistency in the practice of the trading process- from the overview, evaluation, research, execution and exiting. Journaling identifies what works, what needs more discipline, etc. Analytics provide this information in easy-to-read data.
Updating Journal Entries
Updating closed or adjusted trades in the Journal Tab is easy by the following steps:
1. Go to the Order Status Tab, change the default “Today” in the upper-right area of the tab for previously executed trades.
2. Click “Journal” for the trade you want to update.
3. You can add Notes, #tags, outlook to be included in the Journal. Click “Save”. (Note the Account Name where this trade will appear)
4. The trade is now updated in the Journal Tab. Expand the tab to see trade detail: Number of days in the trade, the profit (loss), order execution details, notes, tags, the Account Name containing the trade, etc.
The Analytics section will update using tags from these trades, further assisting in tracking progress in your trading.