The Order Ticket is designed for ease of use and flexibility.
Selecting “Stock/ETF” or “Options” will display the appropriate ticket.
Brokerages determine what Order Types and Duration selections are available.
All or None allows you to dictate whether to accept partial fill of an order or not. Toggle to turn this on/off.
The Order Summary appears below Order details as an additional security step to ensure your order is correct.
Click “Stage” for later review, “Review” to continue the Order process or “Clear” to start over.

Note: If you start an Order in one account, then switch accounts, you’ll review the following notice:
Order Types are in a drop-down box and the types offered often vary from one brokerage to the next.
‘Duration’ – How long the order is good for: Day (current trading day) or GTC (Good til Cancelled)
‘Condition’ – Must be met for the order to be filled/executed: “None” (no conditions) or “All or None” (all of the order must be filled, or none at all).
After completing the order ticket, click ‘review’, then ‘submit’.