Insider and Institutional Activity.

Insiders’ and Institutions’ activities in a stock is a powerful tool.

Insiders: Our proprietary Insider Score looks at who the insiders are, how many there are, and how much stock is being bought or sold to derive a score algorithm.

Institutions: We monitor overall and individual institutions’ activities around a stock with historical comparison to evaluate the Institution Score.  

You have the ability to delve into as much information as you want by clicking on the ‘Detail’ box in “Insider Score” and “Institutions”.  Find top buyers/sellers by week, month, 3 months, or one year.   Search Institution Ownership by selected Quarter Report, newly added, reduced, current, top holders, etc.  Dive deeper to gain insight into Institutions’ other holdings.

The information is easily accessible when you want it – just by the click of an icon, drop-down box, or arrow.