Real Time Streaming Available
Real Time Streaming Data is available in the platform.
This will provide real time quotes with streaming updates.
Through our data partner, Quote Media, you can add real time streaming data.
There is a small cost associated with streaming.
The special introductory rate is $10 plus exchange fees, per month.
Exchange fees are currently $6.75 and include NYSE, AMEX, NASDAQ, OPRA (options), Dow Indicies.
How to Activate Real Time Streaming Data
- Select Activate Streaming from your user menu in the header.
- Enroll in streaming on the following pages.
- Once enrolled, return to the platform and click Start Streaming.
Special Notice:
Streaming data provided by Quote Media and through your exchange agreements. Your agreement for streaming data is with Quote Media and you will be charged by Quote Media for this service.
Please note that streaming data is prepaid and is not refundable. Your initial Streamer Subscription will prorated for the balance of the month. However, exchange fees are not prorated and will be payable upon registration.
This Introductory Rate is for available for a limited time and may be withdrawn with/without prior notice. However, your rate will remain at the introductory rate.
Exchange and Real Time Fees are subject to change. Rate changes will be posted 30 days prior to effective date. User agrees to these fees as indicated above.
You can cancel any time by selecting Cancel Streamer from the user menu.